Katie Bell-Fawcett » Welcome! Bonjour!

Welcome! Bonjour!

              Greetings! My name is Mrs. Fawcett and welcome to my web page.

Jeannette Junior High School

Room 102  

                 Currently, I 
am teaching the following courses: English 9 .
Previously taught classes:
English Language Arts 7
French 5th-8th
Spanish 5th
Typing 6th 


Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2006




Bachelor of Arts

Major: French

Minor: History

Concentration: Western European History


 Certification in Secondary Education
Language Arts

Jeannette Junior High School

Room 102


To all of my students - Be positive, enthusiastic and engaged in your learning. 


For a more detailed description of my classes, continue to read the information below. 

English 9 (EN0100)

Grade 9/Full Year/1.0 Credit 

This is a course for ninth grade students who will benefit from further remediation in grade level appropriate grammar, vocabulary, and reading skills. Emphasis will be placed on composition and an analytical approach to basic forms of literature, including poetry, drama, short story, and novel study. The composition segment will feature various modes of writing along with critical reading and thinking.


Honors English 9 (EN0150)

Grade 9/Full Year/1.0 Credit 

This course is designed for the college bound ninth grade student. Components of this course will match that of the English 9 course but at an accelerated and advanced rate. In this course, students will study a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Emphasis for this course will be placed on composition and an analytical approach to basic forms of literature including poetry, drama, short story, and novel. The composition portion of the course will feature various modes of writing as well as critical reading responses. Students will also work to improve on public speaking skills and use of technology in developing literacy skills. Prerequisites: Students earned at least a 90% final course average in 8th grade ELA and/or teacher recommendation.


English Remediation (EN0205)

Grades 10-11/Semester/0.5 Credit

This course will prepare students for the Keystone Literature Exam.  Students in this course will utilize IXL and instruction from their classroom teacher to provide extra support on concepts needed to succeed on the Keystone exam.  Each day, students will complete 1 to 2 IXL skills to meet the targeted goals and must earn an 80% or higher per skill to reach the mastery level in the class.




girl reading book