Jennifer Potter » Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint 



Class requirements



Students will be prepared to participate in class each day.


Class participation includes, but is not limited to, engaging in class discussions, responding to writing prompts, group activities and completing projects. You are expected to make use of the entire class period. Failure to participate in class daily will not only negatively affect your grade, but cause you to fall behind in class.








Be Respectful of the teacher and of other students.


  • This class is built around discussion and sharing ideas and opinions. Although you may not agree with everyone’s ideas and opinions, I expect you to express that distaste in a civilized respectful manner. Name calling, badgering and obscene language will not be tolerated. When a presenter, a student, or teacher is giving a demonstration or presentation, I expect you to be actively listening and focused.
  • Bullying and negative comments towards anyone (present or not) will not be tolerated. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything.
  • If I am absent, the substitute is your teacher for the day. I expect you to treat him or her with respect.
  •  Please do not ask for passes to come to or leave my classroom. You are to follow your schedule.



 Be respectful of the classroom materials.


I will make sure you are well aware of which materials you need and where they can be located. You are not permitted to touch materials that do not pertain to the project on which you are working. This includes, but is not limited to, other students’ projects, materials for other classes, items in my office, and items in closed cabinets and drawers. If you intentionally cause damage to any items in this classroom, you will be held accountable.



Be punctual and stay until the bell dismisses you.


If you are not physically present inside the classroom door when the bell rings, you will be considered tardy. If you leave the classroom before the bell rings to dismiss you, you will be considered cutting class.






Assessments and Grading


 All work done in this class will be counted towards your final grade.


Formative assessments: Fomative assessments are daily assessments to check understanding. They can included but are not limited to group discussion, quizzes, bell ringers, exit slips, answering questions in class etc. These assessments will make up 10% of your grade.


Summative assessments:  Summative assessments which include but are not limited to projects, writing assignments, and tests. These assessments will make up 60% of your grade.


Participation: Participation includes coming to class on time, in the proper dress code with the materials you need for the class. It also means actively engaging in the class, not doing homework for other classes. Participation will be worth 30% of your grade..





Other Information




Completing another students’ assignment or allowing them to complete your assignment will be considered cheating. Please do not ask me to complete any parts of your assignments. I will be more than happy to help you by giving suggestions, working out ideas, and demonstrating media processes. However, your final project should be solely your work, utilizing your own talents and abilities.





You are responsible for completing any and all missed work and for ensuring that your progress in the class does not lag behind the rest of the students. Please see me for appropriate times to make up your work.






*Please refer to your student handbook for district and building policies and procedures.